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Membros permanentes

Paula Menezes


PhD in Sociology (UFRJ) and currently post-doctoral student in Sociology of Education (UNICAMP), she has experience as a teacher and researcher in Basic Education and Higher Education. Specialist in the subject of education technologies and the platformization of work and the city. Member of Laboratories Labtec (UFRJ) and Elico (France).

Afrânio Silva


Post-doctorate in Political History (PPGH/UERJ). PhD in the Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society - CPDA/UFRRJ. Master in Political Science - UFRJ. Graduated (bachelor and graduate) in Social Sciences - PUC-Rio. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at UERJ and Colégio Pedro II. Consultant and professor at IBAM. He is the author of books in the area of sociology and technical publications in the area of municipal management.

Fabricio Cruz

Civil society collaborator

Pedagogue and education activist. Master in Development and Social Management (EAUFBA/PDGS). Specialist in Digital Education (UNEB) and Project Management (ESALQ/USP and Project DPro/PM4NGOs. Manages Atairu – Gestão & Inovação Social, a social impact business specialized in knowledge management, social innovation and sustainability. Developed a methodology which encourages collaboration in the design and implementation of innovative initiatives aimed at technological integration in public education.

Daniela Costa

Researcher and collaborator

Daniela Costa has a doctorate in education and a master's degree in communication and semiotics, from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). Researcher in the areas of literacy, education, human development and digital technologies, she currently coordinates the Research on the use of information and communication technologies in Brazilian schools – ICT Education, carried out annually by the Regional Center for Studies for the Development of the Information Society (Cetic .br |


Thiago Esteves

Pedagogical collaborator

Professor of Sociology, PhD in Education and Vice-President of the Brazilian Association for Teaching Social Sciences

Amanda dos Santos Machado

Apoio técnico e midiático

Estudante de Informação e Comunicação na Université Lumière Lyon 2 na França, com foco em Comunicação das Organizações, Instituições e Meios Digitais. Em seu último ano de graduação está realizando um intercâmbio universitário na Bélgica.

Kelly Pedroza

Researcher and organizer

PhD in Sociology from IESP-UERJ and Master in Sociology from Iuperj. He has a bachelor's degree and full degree in Social Sciences from UERJ. He teaches at the Department of Sociology at Colégio Pedro II and coordinates the Degree course in Social Sciences at the same institution.

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Christiano Monteiro

Pesquisador e colaborador

Student of Information and Communication at Université Lumière Lyon 2 in France, focusing on Communication of Organizations, Institutions and Digital Media. In his last year of graduation, he is undertaking a university exchange in Belgium.


Renan Marques Birro

Researcher and collaborator

Professor of Medieval History and Teaching of Medieval History at the University of Pernambuco/Campus Mata Norte (UPE/CMN). He also works in the Professional Postgraduate Program in History Teaching at UPE as a permanent professor and member of the National Academic Commission (since 2020), in addition to being a collaborating professor in the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Pernambuco. Despite his trajectory linked to medieval studies, he has also dedicated himself to the use of technologies in teaching from different areas (development of animations and games, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and machine learning, digital mapping, photogrammetry and three-dimensional heritage).

Bernard Brito

Cultural producer and mobilizer

Bernard Brito is a sociologist, cultural producer and film curator. He participated in the production of the Cine Foot and Cine Esporte Festivals. Since 2018, he has been coordinator and curator of the Cine Educação Project – Film and Education Festival. He was Superintendent of the Social Observatory of the State Secretariat for Social Assistance and Human Rights of the State of RJ. Coordinated the Baixada Pra Cima Project. Owner partner of B7 EVENTOS to execute cultural projects in the areas of audiovisual, curation and digital content,

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Bernard Brito

Cultural producer and mobilizer

Bernard Brito is a sociologist, cultural producer and film curator. He participated in the production of the Cine Foot and Cine Esporte Festivals. Since 2018, he has been coordinator and curator of the Cine Educação Project – Film and Education Festival. He was Superintendent of the Social Observatory of the State Secretariat for Social Assistance and Human Rights of the State of RJ. Coordinated the Baixada Pra Cima Project. Owner partner of B7 EVENTOS to execute cultural projects in the areas of audiovisual, curation and digital content,

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